Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For the first time ever, we are bringing an advocate to our son's IEP meeting.  There are many different ways to find an advocate.  Most (if not all) states have state funded advocate, most are free or work on a sliding scale.  If you chose to go this route be sure to plan in advanced.  Many times they are overworked and have very tight schedules.  We are choosing to work with a private advocate.  It is pricey, but we could not find someone to work with us on short notice.  I would also advice all parents to read the policies and procedures handbook for our school district AND the Notice of procedural safeguards.  These are your rights.  Know them, just in case.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

About Me

I am the mother of 4 wonderful children. My oldest child is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and Sensory Integration Disorder.  My husband is in the Military, so we move often, about every 2 years.  that means about the time we have figured out the services, school, therapist, doctors, friends, etc we are on the move.  We love the places we have been and the Lord as blessed us this wonderful friends and support.  I hope that the info on this blogspot with help you on your journey with autism.

God Bless You, Bec

Favorite Books

Some of my favorite books (I know there are more great books, but I am only recommending books I have read)

For Kids:

Shredderman  (The main character uses brains not brawn to outsmart the bully)

Rules by Cynthia Lord  (Book about sister with an autistic brother) Currently reading with my children

The Blue Bottle Mystery by Kathy Hoopmann (Main Character has AS) love this author

Lisa and the Lacemaker by K Hoopmann

Of Mice and Aliens by K Hoopmann

All cats have Asperger Syndrome by K Hoopmann

All of the Andrew Clements books (Great Social Stories, we always have great discussions)

All of Becky Bailey's Shubert Books

Simon's Hook by Karen Gedig Burnett (all about Bullying)

Personal Space Camp by Julie Cook (another GREAT author that really understands our kids) All about personal space

A bad case of tattle tongue by Julia Cook

My mouth is a volcano by Julia Cook

Sorry by Trudy Ludwig When "sorry" is just not enough

Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig

Say Something by Peggy Moss -Great book about standing up for those that are picked on.  (Great for friends and siblings)

My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig 

Hank Zipzer Books by Henry Winkler (YES the Fonz) books about a boy with ADHD

Cory Stories: A kids book about living with ADHD by Jeanne Kraus and Whitney Martin

Brotherly Feelings by Sam Frender and Robin Schiffmiller (Great for siblings)

Can I tell you about Asperger Syndrome? by Jude Welton (Great for family members and teachers)

For Parents:

The Asperger Parent by Jeffrey Cohen (SO funny!)

The ADHD Autism Connection by Diane Kennedy (Christian perspective)

Louder than Words by Jenny McCarthy (GREAT book, but foul language)

Parenting Your Asperger Child by Alan Sohn and Cathy Grayson (In the process of reading, I have highlighted most of this book!)

All of Becky Bailey's books- I love you rituals, Easy to Love difficult to discipline, Conscience Discipline

From Chaos to Calm by Janet Heininger and Sharon Weiss (Written from the perceptive of the Mom, Behavior Specialist and the child, AWESOME)

Transforming the Difficult Child by Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley

I have many more, but it is getting late so I will add more at another time!


My goal is to share info with other families with children on the spectrum.  I am not an expert, but know that there is not enough places the list resources.  As i find about about programs, i will list them here.  Hope this helps you and your family!

Jurdy- Click on the Autism tab, then look through the Archives.  The social rules and cartoons are great!

ECHO program- Military program- Tricare Extended Care health Option (ECHO) provides financial assistance to eligible beneficiaries who qualify based on specific mental or physical disabilities.  ECHO benefits are only available to qualifies active duty family members.ECHO program may not exceed $2500 per month. (Pays for ABA therapy) Specialized Training of Military Parents State agency that provides services for families with children with autism. the first place to look when you are seeking info about laws pertaining to special ed. a Center for Inclusive Communities, provides training, and advocacy  Great video to teach social skills for kids by kids and super fast shipping!! The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership  helping your child with Autism at home